Music Technology Projects/Assignments
Introduction to Sound Manipulation
- Go to YouTube and select a school appropriate song.
- Go to Resources/Links on this website and click YouTube to .mp3 and paste the URL of your YouTube song.
- Download your .mp3 and save it in your class assignments folder.
- Import the .mp3 file into Audacity by clicking file > import.
- Cut your track down to about one minute by deleting a portion of the beginning and the end. Click and drag over the sections you want to delete.
- Create a fade out by clicking and dragging near the end of your song, then going to the effect menu and selecting "fade out".
- With the same section still selected, label it as a fade out by going to the tracks menu>add label at selection (or ctrl+B).
- Add another effect from the effect menu to another section of the song. If you're not sure what they do, experiment!! An explanation of each one can be found here.
- Split your stereo track so that you have two separate tracks. Pan the left track all the way to the left and the right track all the way to the right.
- With the envelope tool, experiment with the volume of each track. This will create the effect of the volume traveling from one speaker to the other. (Panning)
- Export audio (ctrl+shift+E), save as file type .mp3 and name the file "Introduction to Sound Manipulation" into your Assignments folder.
- Save project as an .aup file (Audacity file) in your Assignments folder and name it "Introduction to Sound Manipulation".
Project #1: Making The Cut
You are now a sound engineer in charge of taking a previously recorded track and spicing it up with some new effects and edits. Think of it as creating a sound collage that will be pasted together using various sections of the previously recorded material. Your final product will be between 1 1/2 to 2 minutes.
Your journal reflection should include...
Project #1 - Grade Sheet
- Use at least 5 unique effects from the effects menu.
- Use a fade in and fade out in addition to the 5 effects.
- Make at least 5 cuts in the music.
- Create a label track listing all effects used.
- Creative use of track panning.
- Write a detailed reflection and name the file "Project #1 - Journal Reflection" and upload it to your "Project Reflections" folder.
Your journal reflection should include...
- A detailed description of how you labeled your tracks, implemented effects, and added panning. (What you clicked, shortcuts used, menus used, etc.)
- How each effect changed the sound. (What was changed? Frequency/Pitch, Amplitude, Timing/Rhythm, Timbre...)
- Why you chose each effect. (Why did you like it or feel it was appropriate?)
Project #1 - Grade Sheet
Project #2: Online Portfolio
You will create a website to share projects that you complete throughout the year. Your portfolio should represent you and your work in a professional manner. Your portfolio must be detailed, organized, and include proper spelling and capitalization. You could potentially use this portfolio to submit to a college or university if you have an interest in pursuing any type of music or technology major.
Project #2 - Grade Sheet
- Include a page title. (Ex: Joel Frisch's Music Technology Portfolio)
- Include a brief welcome paragraph stating who you are and the purpose for your website. You should include at least 5 sentences.
- Include your first portfolio entry. It should contain the following:
- Project title: "Project #1 - Making the Cut"
- Brief description of your song using complete sentences
- .mp3 player for your song
- Song title on the audio player
- You may feel free to include pictures or anything else appropriate to further personalize your website, such as a link to another personal, school appropriate website.
Project #2 - Grade Sheet
Project #3: Song Parody
You are now a performing artist who will create a parody of an existing song. You will have to come up with a new title and lyrics for your song record your voice to go along with a pre-existing track. You will then add appropriate effects and panning to your vocal track. Your final project will be between 1 1/2 to 3 minutes.
Your journal reflection should include...
Project #3 - Grade Sheet
- Create a pre-existing track without vocals in Audacity.
- Come up with a new title and lyrics for your song.
- Cut the song down to the appropriate length.
- Record yourself singing the new lyrics.
- Create a label track with song sections and effects. (intro, verse, chorus, reverb, compression, etc.)
- Add appropriate effects such as compression, reverb, and panning.
- Write a detailed reflection and name the file "Project #3 - Journal Reflection" and upload it to your "Project Reflections" folder.
Your journal reflection should include...
- A detailed description of how you recorded your voice, labeled your tracks, implemented effects, and added panning. (What you clicked, shortcuts used, menus used, etc.)
- Why you chose each effect. (Why did you like it or feel it was appropriate?)
- Why you choose the topic of your parody? Why you think your song parody is effective/ineffective? What kind of audience do you think you would attract?
Project #3 - Grade Sheet
Project #4: Music Video
You will use your song parody to turn into a music video. Think about other music videos you have seen (particularly by Weird Al), how they are created, and why they are effective. Work with your partner to decide what types of costumes and props you need and where at school you would like to film your scenes. Your final product should sync properly with your music and look as professional as possible.
** For detailed step by step instructions on how to use WeVideo, click here.
Your journal reflection should include...
Project #4 - Grade Sheet
- Create a storyboard for your video with at least 10 pictures.
- Create lyric sheet with shot by shot details.
- Import your video clips and finished .mp3 audio from Project #3 into WeVideo program.
- Synchronize your video clips to your audio track.
- Adjust volume levels so that the sound comes from the audio and NOT the video.
- Add effects to your video.
- Add subtitles to your video.
- Add song name/artists to the beginning and end of your video.
- Finish video.
** For detailed step by step instructions on how to use WeVideo, click here.
Your journal reflection should include...
- A detailed technical description of how you completed your project. (programs used, steps taken, etc.)
- How you came up with your story and why you chose your props/costumes/film locations.
- Are you happy with your final product? Is your music video effective? Why or why not?
Project #4 - Grade Sheet
Project #5: My Musical Mishmosh
You will create a song by working and manipulating loops in Soundtrap while creating a musical collage that describes your personality. Your final project should have a creative title that reflects your song.
Your journal reflection should include...
Project #5 - Grade Sheet
You will create a song by working and manipulating loops in Soundtrap while creating a musical collage that describes your personality. Your final project should have a creative title that reflects your song.
- Create a sub folder in Projects called "Project #5 - My Musical Mishmosh"
- Create a free account in Soundtrap.
- Enter the studio and select a blank template.
- Make sure metronome and snap to grid are turned on.
- Audition loops and add ones you like to your song.
- Include the use of track panning and volume control.
- Include the proper use of EQ.
- Avoid clipping.
- Save your final project as "Project #5 - My Musical Mishmosh" and download your mix.
- Save your mix (it will be an .mp3 file) to your project folder.
- Add an entry to your online portfolio. (Include project title, brief description, song title)
- Write a journal reflection.
Your journal reflection should include...
- A detailed technical description of how you completed your project. (programs used, steps taken, etc...)
- Why you chose each loop? How did they work together?
- How you chose to arrange your song? Is there a logical beginning, middle, and end? Please explain.
Project #5 - Grade Sheet
Project #6: The Bells
You will create a layered composition in the style of Mike Oldfield's "The Bell". You should incorporate a mixture of audio loops from the loop browser and MIDI loops that you create with an instrument.
Your journal reflection should include...
Project #6 - Grade Sheet
You will create a layered composition in the style of Mike Oldfield's "The Bell". You should incorporate a mixture of audio loops from the loop browser and MIDI loops that you create with an instrument.
- Create a sub folder in Projects called "Project #6 - The Bells, The Bells"
- Create a new session in Soundtrap.
- Enter the studio and select a blank template.
- Make sure metronome and snap to grid are turned on.
- Audition loops and add ones you like to your song.
- Create your own MIDI loops using instruments.
- Duplicate your tracks to add more layers to your composition.
- Change the pitch/octave of some of your layered tracks.
- Include the use of track panning and volume control.
- Include the proper use of EQ.
- Avoid clipping.
- Save your final project as "Project #6 - The Bells, The Bells" and download your mix.
- Save your mix (it will be an .mp3 file) to your project folder.
- Add an entry to your online portfolio. (Include project title, brief description, song title)
- Write a journal reflection.
Your journal reflection should include...
- A detailed technical description of how you completed your project. (programs used, steps taken, etc...)
- How did you create your MIDI loops? How did they work together?
- How does the form of your composition reflect Mike Oldfield's "The Bell"?
Project #6 - Grade Sheet
Project #7: The Beat Box
Using a variety of techniques (Groove Pizza, Boom, Xpand!2), you will create/compose a composition using three unique "beats" (drum tracks) that will be connected together by a constant bass line. This project will follow an A-B-A-C-A form.
Project Objectives:
Your journal reflection should include...
Project #7: Grade Sheet
Using a variety of techniques (Groove Pizza, Boom, Xpand!2), you will create/compose a composition using three unique "beats" (drum tracks) that will be connected together by a constant bass line. This project will follow an A-B-A-C-A form.
Project Objectives:
- Open a blank session in Pro Tools and save as "Project #7: The Boom Box" in your projects folder.
- Create a beat pattern in Groove Pizza and download as an audio file.
- Drag your Groove Pizza audio file into the "audio files" sub-folder of your "Project #7: The Boom Box" folder.
- Create a beat pattern in Boom.
- Create a beat pattern in Xpand!2.
- Compose a bassline.
- Determine which beat pattern will serve as your A, B, and C sections. Here's a sample song structure.
- Appropriately pan and balance each track.
- Add EQ and compression to each track. Make sure to check out the resources/links page for helpful hints/tips.
- Add an entry to your online portfolio.
- Write a journal reflection.
Your journal reflection should include...
- A detailed technical description of how you completed your project. (programs used, steps taken, etc...)
- How did you create your drum patterns and fit them with your bass line? Why did you choose those sounds?
- How did you incorporate EQ and compression to enhance your mix? Was your final product effective? Why?
Project #7: Grade Sheet
Project #7: PowerPoint
Project #8: Mixing 101
You have just been made a recording engineer and your first gig is to mix a session for the new band just assigned to the C. Milton Wright Music label.
Project Objectives:
Your journal reflection should include...
Project #8 - Grade Sheet
Project #8 - PowerPoint
You have just been made a recording engineer and your first gig is to mix a session for the new band just assigned to the C. Milton Wright Music label.
Project Objectives:
- Choose a raw session and import tracks into Pro Tools. Tracks can be downloaded here.
- Appropriately pan and balance each track.
- Add EQ and compression to each track. Make sure to check out the resources/links page for helpful hints/tips.
- Add reverb and other modulation effects where appropriate.
- Add an entry to your online portfolio.
- Write a journal reflection.
Your journal reflection should include...
- A detailed technical description of how you completed your project. (programs used, steps taken, etc...)
- How did EQ, compression, and other effects enhance the sound of your session?
- Was your final mix effective? How was it better than the raw session? Please explain.
Project #8 - Grade Sheet
Project #8 - PowerPoint
Project #9: Canon Remix
You will create a remix of Pachelbel’s Canon in D by choosing from a variety of instrument sounds and adding original melodic loops and drum loops. You will be able to create MIDI loops by using various entry methods.
Project Objectives:
Your journal reflection should include...
Project #9 - Grade Sheet
Project #9 - PowerPoint
You will create a remix of Pachelbel’s Canon in D by choosing from a variety of instrument sounds and adding original melodic loops and drum loops. You will be able to create MIDI loops by using various entry methods.
Project Objectives:
- Layer a variety of instrument sounds in Xpand!2 to play the required loops.
- Enter your notes using the MIDI editor in Pro Tools.
- Compose a drum loop using Boom, Xpand!2, or Groove Pizza.
- Include the use of track panning and volume control.
- Include appropriate manipulation of ASDR filters.
- Avoid clipping in the individual and master tracks.
- Export your song and add an entry to your online portfolio.
- Write a reflection and save as Project #9 Reflection in your Project Reflections Folder.
Your journal reflection should include...
- A detailed technical description of how you completed your project. (programs used, steps taken, etc...)
- Why you chose each instrument sound and how you composed your original loops and how they fit into the overall composition.
- Was your final product an effective and coherent piece of music? Please explain.
Project #9 - Grade Sheet
Project #9 - PowerPoint
Project #10: Percussion Construction
The Spring Concert is around the corner we need to find some cool music to play!! You have each been commissioned to write either an original percussion ensemble piece or an arrangement using percussion instruments. Will your piece be the next world premiere at C. Milton Wright?
Project Objectives:
Your journal reflection should include...
Sibelius Tutorial
Project #10 - Grade Sheet
The Spring Concert is around the corner we need to find some cool music to play!! You have each been commissioned to write either an original percussion ensemble piece or an arrangement using percussion instruments. Will your piece be the next world premiere at C. Milton Wright?
Project Objectives:
- Create a new score in Sibelius.
- Choose a variety of percussion instruments to include in your piece. (You can always add/subtract later.)
- Your piece should have at least 24 measures.
- Your piece should have at least 4 percussion instruments.
- Your piece should incorporate a variety of rhythmic patterns/values.
- Your piece should follow the structure of a West African djembe ensemble.
- Export your project to audio, then convert to .mp3 using Audacity.
- Print your full score. (4 pages or less)
- Add an entry to your online portfolio.
- Write a journal reflection.
Your journal reflection should include...
- A detailed technical description of how you completed your project. (programs used, steps taken, etc...)
- Why did you choose each instrument for your composition and how did you come up with your rhythms/melodies? If you made an arrangement, why did you choose the song and what elements did you keep/change?
- Do you believe you created a successful piece of music? Why or why not? Do you think an audience would like to hear this? Would performers like to play it?
Sibelius Tutorial
Project #10 - Grade Sheet
Project #11: Video Game Trailer
You have been tasked to come up with the next big video game! You must first create a concept for the game and then write your own original music soundtrack.
Project Objectives:
Your journal reflection should include...
Project #11 - Grade Sheet
You have been tasked to come up with the next big video game! You must first create a concept for the game and then write your own original music soundtrack.
Project Objectives:
- Create a folder in "Projects" called "Pro Tools Project #11 - "Video Game Trailer".
- Create a video game concept. (Include title, characters, goals, levels, etc.) Make a word document and use bullet points.
- Create a blank session in Pro Tools titled "Project #11 - Video Game Trailer".
- Create a rhythm track using Groove Pizza, Boom, Xpand!2. etc.
- Create at least 3 other instrument tracks using Xpand!2.
- Make appropriate use of synthesizer effects (reverb, chorus, delay, envelopes, arpeggiator, etc.).
- Create a blank PowerPoint presentation called "Project #11 - Video Game Trailer"
- A minimum of 8 slides - first and last one will be blank
- Information to be included on the slides is in the directions.
- Slides sufficiently include enough information about your game
- Slides are visually appealing
- Add an entry to your online portfolio.
- Write a project reflection.
- Your final product should be 90 seconds to 2 minutes.
Your journal reflection should include...
- A detailed technical description of how you completed your project. (programs used, steps taken, etc...)
- How does your music enhance the gamer's playing experience? How did your synthesizer effects enhance your original tracks?
- Do you believe your final product is successful? Why would a mass audience enjoy your game? How could you improve the music to be more effective?
Project #11 - Grade Sheet
Project #12: The Golden Age of Radio
A rare technological disaster has destroyed the internet and all other post-modern technology throwing us back into the Age of Radio! You must survive by creating a radio program for the entertainment of the masses. The future of entertainment is in your hands!
Project Objectives:
Your journal reflection should include...
Pro Tools Project #4 - Grade Sheet
A rare technological disaster has destroyed the internet and all other post-modern technology throwing us back into the Age of Radio! You must survive by creating a radio program for the entertainment of the masses. The future of entertainment is in your hands!
Project Objectives:
- Create a blank session in Pro Tools titled "Pro Tools Project #4 - The Golden Age of Radio".
- Select text (from a children's story, poem, song, etc...) or create your own script.
- Record your voice audio using appropriate techniques.
- Include a variety of appropriate sound effects from Sound Bible or another source.
- Include appropriate music (theme intro/outro, background, highlight a dramatic moment, etc...).
- Include an appropriate use of other audio techniques (ex: EQ, compression, reverb).
- Add an entry to your online portfolio.
- Write a journal reflection.
- Your final product should be about 5 minutes.
Your journal reflection should include...
- A detailed technical description of how you completed your project. (programs used, steps taken, etc...)
- How did your use of sound effects, music, and other audio techniques enhance the text of your project?
- Do you believe your final product is successful? Why would a mass audience enjoy your program? How could you improve it to be more effective?
Pro Tools Project #4 - Grade Sheet
Project #13: Song Production
You will write, perform, and record a song either by creating an original song or an arrangement of an existing song (ie. a "cover"). Your final product should demonstrate the principles of good production.
Project Objectives:
Your journal reflection should include...
Pro Tools Project #6 - Grade Sheet
You will write, perform, and record a song either by creating an original song or an arrangement of an existing song (ie. a "cover"). Your final product should demonstrate the principles of good production.
Project Objectives:
- Create a folder in "Projects" called "Pro Tools Project #6 - "Song Production".
- Create a blank session in Pro Tools titled "Pro Tools Project #6 - Song Production".
- Compose a multi-track session using various virtual instruments (Xpand!2, Boom, etc.).
- Make appropriate use of effects (EQ, chorus, reverb, etc.).
- Create a well-balanced mix using various techniques (pan, compression, master fader, etc.)
- Add an entry to your online portfolio.
- Write a journal reflection.
- Your final product should be 2 to 3 minutes.
Your journal reflection should include...
- A detailed technical description of how you completed your project. (programs used, steps taken, etc...)
- What was the inspiration for your song? What approach did you take to creating your song and why?
- Do you believe your final product is successful? What are you most proud of about your song? How could you improve the music to be more effective?
Pro Tools Project #6 - Grade Sheet